Monday, November 3, 2008


So tommorow is the big day. A day that I have been long waiting for. The day when we decide how to fix this great country that we live in. America has been a disaster over the last few years. The rest of the world hates us. But tommorow is our time to change that. So I hope that ALL of you go out and vote tommorow. And when you are voting, think about who is going to stand up for your job and is looking out for the average american. The decision should be easy. Lets make tommorow the promise of the future. Lets go out and make it happen! See you at the polls.



BigWalt said...

Soo funny, I was just about to comment on your last post again, hoping for a new post (I decided against it), and then BAM! 1 1/2hrs later there it is. Its like we've got mental powers going on bro...see you at work tonight.

BigWalt said...

Oh, and I know you know, but I must let all your other dedicated readers know that I already voted.
